Giovanna, New York
Wandering around 5th Avenue I suddenly spotted beautiful fashion editor and stylist Giovanna Battaglia passing me by. How do you like her black leather version of a biker meets Italian chic?
Pri túlaní sa 5th Avenue sa pred nami zrazu objavila Giovanna Battaglia, krásna a počas Fashion Weekov často fotografovaná módna redaktorka a stylistka. Ako sa vám páči jej verzia čiernej motorkárskej kože vs. talianskej elegancie?
Inka, Bratislava
Before I left for New York, I've met with Inka and her Brompton bicycle on the street. She just graduated from fashion design in London and I love her style of mixing styles and shapes, and I love what she has done for a Slovak street wear label - coming up soon on the blog :-)
Pred odletom do New Yorku som sa stretla na ulici s Inkou a jej skladacím Brompton bicyklom. Inka nedávno ukončila štúdium fashion dizajnu v Londýne, a mne sa páči jej spôsob mixovania rôznych štýlov a tvarov, a páči sa mi aj jej práca pre jednu slovenskú street wear značku, už čoskoro na blogu :-)
Magika Fantastika
A few shots from Lenka Sršňová's Magika Fantastika fashion show. I think you can rarely see a show with such a good, fun atmosphere, supported by a live band: this time it was Lavagance playing. The mostly vibrant colours, original prints, crazy accessories (by Simona Janišová and Linda Viková) as well as the T-shirt and pants line were trademark Lenka, and I thinks she knows her audience pretty well. (Some pieces are already available in her online shop, here). I personally really like when she ventures into more sophisticated waters, like big skirts, flowing dresses, fitted blazers and big coats - combined with her colourful materials it is a fun combo (for example, the pink coat a few pictures down is an experiment with Gore-Tex technology, resulting in highly functional beauty.) Enjoy!
Pár fotiek z prehliadky novej kolekcie Lenky Sršňovej, Magika Fantastika. Málokedy majú u nás prehliadky takú pestrú, zábavnú atmosféru, ktorú určite pomáha vytvárať aj živá kapela: tentokrát to boli Lavagance. Poväčšine žiarivé farby, pôvodná potlač, uletené doplnky (od Simony Janišovej a Lindy Vikovej) a línia tričkovín a legín sú typickými motívmi pre Lenku, a myslím si, že ona svoje obecenstvo pozná veľmi dobre. (Niektoré kúsky sú už k dispozícii aj v jej online shope, tu.) Mne osobne sa veľmi páči použitie veselých, farebných materiálov na sofistikovanejších strihoch, potom sa z toho rodia parádne kúsky ako veľké sukne, jemne vejúce šaty, dobre padnúce saká a veľké kabáty (ten ružový o pár obrázkov nižšie je dokonca malým experimentom s technológiou Gore-Tex, čiže vysoká funkčnosť pre nápadný dizajn). Nech sa ľúbi!
Designblok moments, Prague
Oh yes, before New York and many other things I am still owing you, there was the Prague Designblok. It was a short, but intense two days stay for me, but I enjoyed it as much as I could. Here are some of my favorite moments/installations/ideas. The first picture was taken in the amazing Clam-Gallasův palace. Feel free to click on the links included :-)
Pred New Yorkom a ďalšími vecami, ktoré vám stále dlhujem, sa dial pražský Designblok. Boli dva krátke, ale intenzívne dni, ktoré sme si užili naplno. Ponúkam pár svojich obľúbených momentov/inštalácií/nápadov. Prvá fotka je z prekrásneho interiéru Clam-Gallasůvho paláca. Priložené linky sú veselo klikateľné :-)
The all-white Brokis room and lamps.
Gentle and powerful at the same time: installation from pieces by Liběna Rochová and Denisa Nová. Also, Denisa's fashion show, which (to me) seemed more of a very strong, pure, personal statement rather than your usual fashion show:
And the barefoot models on the catwalk!
Posedlí studio's "ODBABI" project: a smart, thoughtful way to involve you knitting, sewing grandma and give her some space under the fashion sun!
Mária Štraneková's new collection Dust with unique, beautiful prints: macro-photos of dust.
The sophisticated simplicity of Jindřa Jansova.
The autumn and painting-like installation of hand cuffs and other cute pieces by Belka.
Miroslav Sabo, holder of ELLE's Talent card prepared a collection for Designblok. Remember his name, next up for him: internship with Raf Simmons.
Qubus' combination of product design and sense of humor.
It was a beautiful experience, sending you my love from New York, and travelling home very soon!
Meanwhile in New York...
...I am officially in love with the Maison Martin Margiela with H&M collection. Here the first pictures from our first meet & greet with the creative team at the Mondrian hotel penthouse in Soho, more to come soon :-) Find me as tonbo_diary on Instagram or at Facebook here.
Včera v New Yorku... som sa oficiálne "buchla" do kolekcie Maison Martin Margiela with H&M. Prvé Instagram fotky z ranného meet&greet s kreatívnym tímom v penthouse hotela Mondrian, viac fotiek aj info čoskoro. Na Instagrame ma nájdete ako tonbo_diary, alebo sledujte Facebook.
Včera v New Yorku... som sa oficiálne "buchla" do kolekcie Maison Martin Margiela with H&M. Prvé Instagram fotky z ranného meet&greet s kreatívnym tímom v penthouse hotela Mondrian, viac fotiek aj info čoskoro. Na Instagrame ma nájdete ako tonbo_diary, alebo sledujte Facebook.
At Bety's exhibition
A few pictures from the opening and its end, that was hard to describe with words, so I am not even goint to try... One little detail I did not realize until someone told me: if you want to see all the jewellery pieces installed in the floor of the former swimming pool, you have to bow down to each of them.
Výstava Bety K. Majerníkovej bola práve predĺžená až do konca októbra, a otvorená každý deň okrem pondelka medzi 16.00 a 18.00.
Pár fotiek z otvorenia a jeho konca, ktoré sa nedajú slovami opísať, takže sa o to ani nebudem pokúšať... Malý detail, ktorý som si neuvedomila, až kým ma na to neupozornila kamarátka: ak si chcete zblízka prezrieť všetky šperky inštalované v podlahe bývalého bazéna, musíte sa pred každým pokloniť.
Fringe time, Prague
A blond and black fringe as taken at Designblok in Prague. And my favorite black beret again (no, I still don't have one though...) Fringe seems such an autumn thing to me right now. Keeping your thoughts and dreams warm :-)
Blond a čierna ofina, počas Designbloku v Prahe. A návrat opakujúcej sa obľúbenej čiernej baretky (nie, ešte stále takú nemám...) Ofina mi momentálne príde taká krásne jesenná záležitosť. Na udržanie myšlienok a snov v teple :-)
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