
Mr. Eclectic, NYC streetstyle

I think this outfit is a good example that it is all about how you wear your clothes. I dare to say that this ensemble could look strange on oh so many guys, but this guy makes it all work for him - with his attitude, huge smile and confident energy, that I could feel meters away on the street. So I guess it is not about the clothes you wear, but how you wear them. It really is your personality what makes other people turn around when you pass them by. The trick is to make clothes help your personality come out and shine. Sounds simple, but let me wish us all good luck with that :-)


  1. Taká som rada, že si občas prelistujem aj ženské časopisy a objavím v nich takéto skvelé typy - môj najlepší slovenský objav týchto dní, mesiacov.
    Nech stále máš šťastie na zaujímavých a vysmiatych ľudí, to ti želám.

  2. íííha,tento je ale zlatý!!
    tá mašlička-no úplne to zaklincoval.Krása!

  3. Ten je skvelý! A tie topánky sú riadne supeer:)

  4. :-) stahuje sa vraj na jesen do Londyna, baby :-)

    worldofnevara: Janka, dakujem za mile riadky aj prianie, velmi si ich vazim, o to viac, ze som si pozrela tvoju fotograficku tvorbu - krasa, velmi prijemne pocity! dakujem, ze som ta objavila :-)

  5. Amazing guy, with amazing boots!!! love it!! Have great day :)

  6. Great smile & great style :)

  7. Uzasne.Cele skevele.
