
Romana, Bratislava streetstyle

Desert safari meets city chic. While taking Romie's pictures I felt like back in New York for a while. I love brave women with ultra short hair. Combined with flowing sexy dresses, metal details and combat style boots, it just feels so right!

And I feel so happy and thankful for your feedback to tonbogirl in the last weeks - thank you for all your visits, comments, e-mails and following the blog. When something that you do, makes sense to others as well, it is just priceless!


Krátke poďakovanie: som vďačná za každú vašu reakciu na blog za posledné týždne - ďakujem za vaše návštevy, komenty, maily, aj ak ste sa stali followermi. Ak niečo, čo robíte, dáva zmysel aj iným, je to pocit na nezaplatenie! Krásny týždeň prajem! :-)


  1. woow tak toto je bomba :)

  2. Big, bold, brilliant! :)

  3. túto stredu som ju stretla v Starom meste... mala oblečené presne toto isté a seklo jej to :)
