
Vintage streetstyle, round 3: Ľudmila holding Benjamín's hand

Though this picture may not be the sharpest, it has TONS of style and  atmosphere. And a message... sent by Barbora O.: "My grandma has been wearing pearls all her life, as well as her hair in a bun and pearl shine lipstick. She loves the colour purple and I inherited from her, apart from big feet (size 7), the exact same height (176 cm) and the most beautiful, straight legs in the whole family.
My father, her youngest son, probably always wanted to be a captain. In the recent years he's been sailing the seas on his yacht, but his love for tilting top decks I certainly did not inherit. Apart from the extra fine hair I do have his duck-like upper lip, long fingernail beds and when I yawn I feel like I look the most like him.
I have no idea in which harbour or which year this picture was taken, but they were probably posing for my grandpa Zdenko - the wisest book of the family. He captured this elegant dame with creeper shoes, with her son in a cute cardigan and with way too short trousers. I do miss the good parts of both of them. Since we don't really see eye to eye these days, at least here and now I send my greetings to them :-)"

Aj keď táto fotka nie je najostrejšia, má v sebe štýlu a atmosféry za tri. A odkaz... poslaný Barbarou O.: "Moja stará mama nosí odjakživa perly, češe si drdol, rúžuje pery na perleťovo, miluje fialovú farbu a zdedila som po nej, okrem veľkej laby (číslo 41), na centimeter rovnakú výšku (176 cm) a úplne rovné - najkrajšie nohy z celej famílie.  Môj otec, Ľudmilin najmladší syn, zrejme vždy chcel byť námorným kapitánom. Posledné roky brázdi moria aspoň plachetnicou a lásku k nakláňajúcej sa palube som po ňom rozhodne nepoerbovala. Okrem extra jemných vlasov mám po ňom kačaciu vrchnú peru, dlhé lôžka nechtové a keď zívam, mám pocit, že sa naňho podobám najviac.
Netuším v akom prístave, ani v ktorom roku je táto fotka spravená, ale zrejme zapózovali môjmu starému otcovi Zdenkovi - najmúdrejšej knižnici rodiny. Zvečnil elegantnú dámu v platformách, so synom v peknom svetríku a havlovkách. To dobré, z nich oboch, mi vie chýbať. Keďže si teraz moc nerozumieme, tak ich aspoň týmto zdravím :-)"