
Meredith, New York

Another girl, another hat and style that comes with it. Meeting Meredith was so funny: she just seemed to find the fact, that I wanted to photograph her, really and honestly hilarious :-) She really has that sweetly naive "Funny Face" vibe going on here, and (even though I would probably ditch the jacket, sorry), I love, love her velvet blue pants with the ankle boots and the brown hat. And her smile of course! Ok, now I feel like watching and Audrey Hepburn movie...

Iné dievča, iný klobúk, iný štýl. Stretnutie s Meredith bolo celkom komické, keďže sa jej celý čas zdalo ohromne a úprimne vtipné, že som ju chcela odfotiť :-) Keď sa pozerám na fotky, prekukuje mi tam taká tá sladká naivita z filmu "Funny Face", a napriek tomu, že by som to sako vymenila, učarovali mi zamatové modré nohavice s hnedými kotníkovými topánkami a klobúkom. A samozrejme jej smiech! Tak, a úplne som dostala chuť pozrieť si film s Audrey Hepburn...