
Orange Fashion 2012: Jana Gavalcová

Jana Gavalcová's Crystal collection presented an army of hooded princesses in curve hugging dresses. I love the shape it creates, the details are more a matter of preference. You can't really see it in the pictures, but the dresses were decorated with little pieces of crystals. Jana really knows what she's doing, after long research and digging about she seems to be the only designer to sell every dress from her collections for Orange Fashion right before the ball season. Congratz to that!

Kolekcia "Kryštálová" Jany Gavalcovej bola v znamení armády Popolušiek s kapucňami, v šatách obtekajúcich postavu. Výsledkom boli krásne siluety, aj keď detaily sú viac otázka osobného vkusu. Na fotkách to tak nevidno, ale šaty boli posiate malými kryštálikmi a farebnými kamienkami. Jana podľa všetkého presne vie, čo robí, po dlhodobom pátraní som zistila, že je (pravdepodobne) jediná návrhárka, ktorá všetky modely z kolekcií pre Orange Fashion predá pred plesovou sezónou. Gratulieren!


1 comment:

  1. preferences and lifestyle of customers, and their newest requirements with profoundly intricate details so that the designer is able to implement it successfully.

    Fashion Design Program
