
The sunny couple. Again. In Bratislava

So remember these guys? We met a second time, this time in Bratislava (and agreed to meet the third time in another capital again, like Tokyo), where Ivana from Odivi was taking part at the Fashion LIVE! event, with her line exhibited at the White showrooms. And her boyfriend was actually walking the runway for Jakub Polanka. Find him on the catwalk, here. More from Fashion LIVE! coming...

Pamätáte si túto dvojicu? Druhýkrát som ich stretla tento víkend v Bratislave (a máme tichú dohodu, že tretie stretnutie by mohlo byť v ďalšom hlavnom meste, napríklad Tokiu). Ivana so svojou značkou Odivi vystavovala a predávala vo White showrooms, súčasti Fashion LIVE! eventu. A jej priateľ bol dokonca jedným z modelov na prehliadke Jakuba Polanku. Nájdite ho v tejto fotogalérii. Viac z Fashion LIVE! na ceste....