
Love Stuff: THIS ring

My unbelievable guy made me this ring (yes, he made it, not only the design, but the thing itself, with the help of his blacksmith master and a friend studying jewellery. Unf.....gbelievable). It is my absolute favorite thing right now, right in the middle of my gold phase that's probably here to stay (oh, here about my gold phase).
How can you say NO to something like this?! Well, I did say YES (yaaaaay! :-) And because the summer is coming, there is a new label/tag I am starting to use under some blog posts that says "wedding", meaning there will be a few articles on this topic. BUT! Since I have always had a reserved feeling about weddings, I do not posses any collection of pictures, links to blogs, webpages, picture galleries with inspiration and that's what I need right now!!! If you do have some, please share, send me your inspiration, thank you very much beforehand (with this particular hand, haha).

Môj neskutočný chlap mi vyrobil tento prsteň (presne tak, vyrobil. Teda vymyslel dizajn a pomocou svojho kováčskeho majstra a kamarátky šperkárky ho vyrobil. Neskutočné.) Momentálne je to moja absolútne obľúbená vec, presne uprostred mojej zlatej fázy, ktorá asi len tak skoro neskončí (ozaj, o tej zlatej fáze tu viac).
Na toto sa nedá povedať NIE. Tak som povedala ÁNO (wueeeeeej! :-) A pretože ide leto, na blogu pribudne nový label/tag "wedding" pod niektorými článkami. ALE! Keďže som nikdy nebola zarytý svadobný snílek, nemám slušnú zbierku fotiek, linkov na blogy, weby na túto tému a teraz to potrebujem! Ak viete o dobrých zdrojoch plných inšpirácie, sem s nimi, podeľte sa, prosím, budem vďačná! Krásne dni prajem!


It's all in your mind, at London Fashion Week

Met her at Somerset House. Only now do I notice the really wild mix and match of a little bit of everything (high hair, fur, lace, baby pink skirt, racer gloves, canvas bag, pendant necklace and red lips), ruled by her total coolness. It's all in your mind.

Zo stretnutia na chodbe Somerset House. Až teraz som si dopodrobna všimla ten mix najrôznejších elementov (výčes, kožuch, čipka, púdrová, rukavice, plátená taška, medajlón a červené pery), ktorý spája do jedného celku jej výraz dámy nad vecou. Všetko je to o postoji.


At the Designer showrooms, LFW

Just a little bit more of your patience, please, on the subject of London Fashion Week, because this part is really worth it. Walking through the Designer showrooms was a very educational, enlightening and fun experience. It is almost scary amazing to see how many beautiful, perfectly executed brands are there in the world (and I mean in the fragment of the world called Somerset House that week), and realize the competition is freaking huge challenging and is a must-see for all young designers. Here are some of the highlights (including the beautiful collection above by the London based Pavane):

Ešte, prosím, majte chvíľu strpenia s témou London Fashion Weeku, pretože tento zážitok stál za to. Prechádzka po Designer showrooms bola veľmi poučná, povznášajúca a zábavná. Je až desivé úžasné vidieť koľko krásnych, kvalitne spracovaných značiek existuje vo svete (teda, iba v jeho fragmente zvanom Somerset House, a v ten týždeň), čo je sakramentská konkurencia výzva a zážitok pre každého mladého dizajnéra. Tu pár osobných zážitkov (vrátane krásnej kolekcie s príbehom - na obrázku hore - od lodnýnskej značky Pavane):

First I noticed this huge leather backpack by Dr. Martens, but then the gentleman he was talking to...
Najprv som si všimla len ten mega kožený batoh od Dr. Martens, až potom pána, s ktorým sa rozprával...

...well hello, Mr. Stephen Jones!
...zdravíčko, Mr. Stephen Jones!

The whole millinery and jewellery section was very colourful and fun. Especially when we happened to visit it at the coctail time, ehm :-)
Celá klobučnícka a šperkárska časť showroomov bola zážitková. Najmä, keď sme ju úplnou náhodou navštívili počas šumivej recepcie :-)


At moments my inner minimalist cried in the corner, while my inner bling lover rejoiced. By Yunus & Eliza.
Z času na čas môj vnútorný minimalista ticho zašiel do kúta, kým vnútorná straka sa tetelila od radosti. Od Yunus & Eliza.

My inner bling lover's attention was caught by pieces from Noritamy
Strake sa páčili aj predimenzované kúsky od značky Noritamy.

One of my top discoveries: an actually rain-proof, well tailored trench-raincoat by Terra New York. Just get them the Nobel prize, please.
Osobný objav zo showroomov: naozajstný, kvalitný, nepremokavý pršiplášť v tvare trenchcoatu od Terra New York. Nobelovku za toto!

And that's a Good-bye! 


Soft, London

Soft. That is the only word that comes to my mind. Soft colours, soft materials, soft hair. And nice mid-section.
All right, motivation is the second word :-)

Nežná. To je jediné slovo, ktoré mi napadá. nežné farby, nežný materiál, aj vlasy. A pekné brucho. 
Tak, motivácia je hneď druhé slovo :-)