
Paulina in Bratislava

Paulina, who studies Fashion Studies in Stockholm, and is the designer of her label, me&m, was home for Christmas. But because things change, we didn't manage to meet this year (sad face) so guess what, I remembered these pictures I shot last year (happy face) that I was kind of saving. As you can see, minimalism works give or take a year (sans the snow).
Here, Paulina is wearing all me&m design, and I especially like the detail of the leather laces on her fake fur coat. You might remember this post with Paulina also all in me&m.

Paulina, ktorá v Štokholme študuje Fashion Studies, a je dizajnérkou svojej zančky me&m, bola na Vianoce doma. Ale keďže veci sa menia a doba je rýchla, nestihli sme sa stretnúť (buuu), ja som si však spomenula na tieto fotky z minulého roka (jeeej), ktoré som mala v šuflíčku. A na nich super vidno, že krása minimalizmu pretrváva, jeden rok hore-dole (a mínus sneh).
Paulina tu má na sebe všetko od me&m, a najviac ma asi baví detail zaväzovania zo surovej kože na kožuchu. Me&m veci na Pauline si môžete pamätať ešte z toho postu.