
Family treasures, Bratislava streetstyle


Sometimes the best accessories are the ones from your mum's closet or your grandparents attic. They're usually one of a kind, bear the sing of times hidden in their little imperfections and the stories they could tell, oh-la-la.... :-) 

I have some authentic pieces from my mum's 60's closet, but when I remember all my grandma's treasures that I was too young to appreciate when the house was being sold, my heart aches.
Thankfully there are street markets where you can dig up all kinds of knick-knacks. They are mostly also one of a kind, have tons of imperfections and the stories you could make up around them.... never ending :-) 

This girl introduced me to to some of her family treasures - the beautiful little leather suitcase found in the attic and grandpa's vest pocket watch worn as a necklace. Lucky girl! :-)

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