
Treasure hunt at Red Rock Castle

Dear all, just want to quietly scream out, that this is the 100th post on tonbogirl! In some aspects it is not a high number, however it makes me soooo happy, yup! To celebrate this I am taking you to the antiques market on the Red Rock Castle near Bratislava. Enjoy the ride :-)

The things you can squeeze into a car's trunk, unbelievable.

 Bunny in the grass. On the left, a suitcase full of Christmas decorations.

This seller lady was too shy to be photographed, she only showed me her hands. Apparently, summer is the time of year when she wears most of her silver jewelry at once. Wow. I am soooo jealous....

A less shy lady visitor of the market. I think in her bag she already has some new treasures.

Framed wedding picture. Like out of a Tim Burton movie. Kind of scary...

A very inviting and very still life.

My friend Lula considering these beautiful vintage boxing gloves. 
(In case you're interested, she didn't get them :-)

Yes, it is a white peacock. Up on a tree. I had no idea too. Miracles do happen :-) 
This blog is another proof, so thank you.


  1. gratulujem k 100.príspevku a prajem ďalších x sto :)
    robíš to dobre, len tak ďalej!
    (ale úplne vážne, toto tu je najlepší blog svojho druhu na Slovensku so far)


  2. Great ride! :)
    A bez debaty najlepsi blog svojho druhu :)

  3. dakujem vam, vazim si to :-)

  4. Jeden z najsamlepšejších blogov, čo poznám :) Sange

  5. marika, a toto je nejaky pravidelny trh? nikdy som o tom nepocula...

  6. je pravidelny pocas teplejsich mesiacov - asi tak od aprila do oktobra, raz mesacne. rozpis terminov najdes tu, tieto su akurat stare za rok 2010: http://www.hradcervenykamen.sk/?page=co-sa-deje
