
Vintage streetstyle, round 2: "Belmondo"

Picture sent in by Michaela P.: "On the picture is our grandpa. It is not so much street as hair style, which I think is back in big style. Grandpa was a stylish man in general, he was even called the "pretty Belmondo" (we think we see some James Dean in there as well), the picture was taken around 1950-52 when he was about 18-20 years old."

Fotku poslala Michaela P.: " Na fotke je náš starký. Nejde síce o streetstyle ako taký, ale skôr hairstyle, ktorý je momentálne myslím dosť IN. Starký bol aj bez ohľadu na účes veľký štramák, nie nadarmo ho prezývali "pekný Belmondo" (nám sa zdá, že trochu krížený s Jamesom Deanom), na fotke má cca 18-20 rokov (a fotka pochádza asi z rokov 1950-52).