
Matthias, at the CEFD in Budapest

So before Portugal and all the traveling, there were the Central European Fashion Days in Budapest from which I am still owing you some pictures and stories. Like Matthias' very cool all-striped look (by the brand Schirach Rosenthal) taken at Budapest's very popular chill out place Froccsterasz. Matthias came to the CEFD from Vienna where he studies literature and works as a writer for the Faux Fox Magazine. There you go. Complete intel :-)

Ešte pred Portugalskom a slnkom a dovolenkou, sa diali Central European Fashion Days v Budapešti, z ktorých vám ešte stále dlžím nejaké fotky a storky. Ako napríklad Matthiasov úžasný celopásikovaný outfit (od značky Schirach Rosenthal), nafotený na populárnom budapeštianskom chill out mieste s plážovým nádychom, Froccsterasz. Matthias prišiel na CEFD z Viedne, kde študuje literatúru a priespieva do magazínu Faux Fox. Tak. A viete všetko :-)