
Vintage streetstyle, round 4: Bikini

A very special vintage summer post to make it through these days :-) This pictures of her grandmother, Margita, I got from Terézia L. Taken on Tehelné pole public pool in Bratislava, this was allegedly the very first bikini in Bratislava (!) and the gorgeous Margita made it herself. Straw hats up and cheers to the sun!

Špeciálny letný vintage post na prežitie najbližších dní :-) Za fotku jej starej mamy Margity ďakujem Terézii L. Fotené na bratislavskom kúpalisku na Tehelnom poli, toto boli vraj prvé bikiny v Bratislave (!), ktoré si osudová Terézia šila sama. Klobúk hore a slnku a vode zdar!