
Vintage streetstyle, round 4: Vintage couple

Picture sent by Barbora B.: "On the picture is my grandmother Helena. It was taken towards the end of the 50s in Púchov, on the occasion of an engagement: the young man next to my grandmother is her future husband Viliam, my grandfather. (By the way, grandma, until today, is upset and doesn't understand why they were posing in front of a strange shed :-) But I would rather direct your attention to my grandma's velvet dress, gentle necklace and hand crocheted gloves.) She has always been very chic. At some point she used to work for Makyta as a model, and used to sew her own clothes. We still have boxes of beautiful, good quality garments that she did for herself and her daughters."
Fotku poslala Barbora B.: "Na fotografii je moja babka Helena. Fotka je urobená koncom 50-tych rokov v Púchove na zásnubách - ten mladý vojak vedľa mojej babky je jej budúci manžel Viliam, môj dedko. (Mimochodom, babka doteraz nechápe a nadáva, že pred akou búdou sa to fotili :). Ja by som skôr upriamila pozornosť na babkine zamatové šaty, štrasový náhrdelník a ručne háčkované rukavičky.) Moja babka bola veľká parádnica. Istý čas pracovala v Makyte, kde robila modelku a oblečenie si zvyčajne šila sama. Doteraz máme odložené škatule plné krásneho a kvalitného oblečenia, ktoré šila pre seba a pre svoje dcéry." 


  1. Your grandparents are very good looking, and show lots of style.
    Helena is very chic indeed. (I love vintage photographs.)
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. vypadají skvěle a to oblečení jí závidím
