
Michaela, at Fashion LIVE! 2014

There was an interesting moment during Fashion LIVE! when one of the Eva Fashion Awards jury members, journalist and fashion PR expert (and professor) Dana Lapšanská was talking to a bunch of fashion design students from the Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín. After a while she started critically eyeing them and asking: are you wearing your own design? After that she told me that it's one of the things she insist on them doing - trying on the clothes they design in real life and at the same time representing their own work.
Well, Michaela, here, is one of the fashion design students in Zlín. And while I was taking her picute on the first day, she was wearing her own (beautifully simple, kimono-inspired) clothes. Check!

Počas Fashion LIVE! som zachytila jeden zaujímavý moment, keď sa jedna z porotcov Eva Fashion Awards, novinárka, PR odborníčka a profesorka módy Dana Lapšanská pýtala skupinky študentov módneho dizajnu z Univerzity Tomáša Baťu v Zlíne, či majú na sebe vlastné modely. Neskôr mi povedala, že to je jedna z vecí, na ktorej pri študentoch trvá - aby nosili a testovali svoje modely naživo a zároveň tak reprezentovali svoju prácu.
Michaela, tu na fotkách, je tiež jednou zo študentiek módneho dizajnu v Zlíne. A keď som ju fotila, mála na sebe svoje (krásne jednoduché, kimonom inšpirované) veci. Check!


  1. krásne, Miška:)!
    Martina P.

  2. yeeeeeeees Míša je top!!!!!

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