Slowly coming to the end of showing you the "1 shirt, 13 women" project, this has been the most poetic of all white shirt shootings. (see all the previous women and their white shirt versions here) Olo is the creative director of Fashion LIVE!, the heart and brain behind Czech Fashion Council, supporter of designers, model and muse to photographers.
Pomaly sa blížime ku koncu projektu"1 košeľa, 13 žien", a toto bolo najpoetickejšie fotenie zo všetkých "bielokošeľových" (všetky predošlé ženy a ich verzie bielej košele nádete tu). Olo je kreatívnou riaditeľkou Fashion LIVE!, srdcom a dušou Czech Fashion Council, podporovateľkou dizajnérov a modelkou a múzou fotografov.
For her story of the white
shirt, she layered it with other shirts. Shirt on shirt like petals of a flower that is
first closed and hesitant...
Jej príbeh bielej košele definuje vrstvenie s inými košeľami. Košeľa na košeľu, ako lupene kvetiny, ktorý je najskôr uzavretá a váhavá...
...but slowly opens up to the warmth of the sun, of touches, showing herself in all her beauty.
...ale pomaly sa otvára teplu slnka, dotyku, a ukazuje sa v celej svojej kráse.
ReplyDelete- zkratka ona ♥
ReplyDeleteSu to damske, alebo panske kosele? Inak napad super ;)