
Marek, Bratislava

The last time I met Marek, I have realized that he is one of the few people I know who dresses the way you could say he has a work uniform - black and grey, over sized in length and slim fit in width, with a backpack for his gadgets (Marek is a photographer and master of light, love his series of portraits, you have to see them here). Even when we took this picture the sun suddenly came out (told you, master of light, haha)
I noticed his way of dressing only recently, probably because I am wearing right now my "new (mom) minimal" as described in the previous post, that is almost like a uniform too. And a work uniform of a kind, actually. It's probably a phase I am going through right now, minimizing all other energy that I have to spend, and finding a way of feeling good. And I am curious myself to see how it's going to evolve and change.
On topic: did you catch this article from Matilda Khan, an advertising art director who decided to wear the same thing every day? She did so two years before it became a topic, of these successful men wearing the same thing, and it's not only tech guys, but creatives as well, look, Karl is there!

Keď som naposledy stretla Mareka, uvedomila som si, že je jedným z mála ľudí, ktorých poznám, ktorí sa obliekajú tak, že by ste to mohli nazvať pracovnou uniformou - čierna so šedou, over sized v dĺžke, slim fit v šírke, batoh na pracovné pomôcky (Marek je fotograf a pán svetla, jeho krásnu sériu portrétov musíte vidieť). Aj keď sme fotili tieto fotky, zrazu nečakane vyšlo slnko (pán svetla, hovorím to).
Možno som si jeho štýl obliekania všimla až teraz, keď sama nosím svoj "materský minimal" z predošlého postu, čo je vlastne tiež spôsob uniformy. A pracovnej vlastne tiež. Pravdepodobne je to fáza, ktorou prechádzam, že minimalizujem akúkoľvek inú životnú energiu okrem tej nutnej tak, aby som sa cítila dobre. Sama som zvedavá ako sa to bude vyvíjať a meniť. 
K téme: zachytili ste článok Matildy Khan, art directorky v reklamnej agentúre, ktorá sa rozhodla nosiť do práce stále to isté, ako pracovnú uniformu? Urobila tak dva roky predtým ako sa to stalo témou, a písalo sa napríklad o úspešných mužoch, ktorí nosia pracovné uniformy. A nie sú to iba technologický týpkovia, ale aj kreatívci, aha, Karl!


  1. Mohu se zeptat na značku batohu, pokud je možné zjistit?

  2. A možem sa spytať kde všade boli tie topanky?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


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