
Parfait, Paris streetstyle

On a perfect day in Paris, I would get up late, with the sun shining straight into my bed, roll over and kiss my garcon, go down to the local patisserie for fresh croissants and cafe au lait, while reading Vogue Paris (okay, just watching the pictures :-) and saying Salut! and Bon jour! to the locals, wander around Le Marais for some people watching and taking pictures, squeeze into Merce and the Muse (coming up later on this blog) for a little healthy lunch, hop on one of those pretty city bikes with a basket in front, and paddle around the Seine, eat a whole pain au chocolat all by myself, sitting on one of those little old chairs at Jardin de Tuileries and watch the sun go down, shimmering on the white pathwalks, get lost in Montmartre for a dinner and wine in a dim lit little restaurant with my garcon.... And yeah, wear head to toe Isabel Marant.

V môj dokonalý deň v Paríži by som sa zobudila neskoro, až keby by mi slnko svietilo priamo do postele, bozkom zobudila môjho garcon, zbehla do miestnej patisserie na čerstvé croissanty a cafe au lait, kde by som sa zdravila s miestymi Salut! a Bon jour! a pritom čítala Vogue Paris (no dobre, iba pozerala obrázky :-), túlala sa po Le Marais, obzerala ľudí a obťažovala ich fotením, urvala si posledné miesto v Merce and the Muse (čoskoro na tomto blogu) a dala si malý ľahký obed, na jednom z tých milých mestkých bicyklov s košíkom vpredu sa vozila popri Sejne, zjedla sama celý pain au chocolait sediac na ošúchanej rozkladacej stoličke v Jardin de Tuileries a pozerala sa na západ slnka, ako sa odráža na bielych cestičkách záhrady, a nakoniec niekde na Montmartre zapadla do prítmia malej reštarácie s mojim garcon na večeru a karafu vína.... od hlavy po päty v Isabel Marant.


Vintage streetstyle, post 21: Genovéva

 Photo sent by Soňa V.: "On the picture is my great-grandmother Genovéva. It was taken in the 20's in a New York photo studio, so it's not exactly a streetstyle picture, but it represents great-grandma's style quite well. She was a great dame who liked to dress up, and constantly reminded her daughter to dress in a nice and elegant way. She traveled to America to visit her siblings, on the picture she is about 20 years old. With her husband Antonín, they were relatively rich - they owned a coffee roastery in the village of Gajary. They were among the first people to have a flush toilet in their home, and the people from the village were coming to see it, just like a miracle :-) They lost the roastery in the 40's, resulting in poor Antonín ending up in a psychiatric facility and Genoveva working till the end of her life as a tobacconist seller in Bratislava - first at Mlynské Nivy, later at the intersection of the Záhradnícka and Karadžičova streets."
Right now I am not sure if I am taken more by the old pictures you are sending, or by the life stories of the people on them.... Either way, thank you so much!

Fotku poslala Soňa V.: "Na fotke je moja prababka Genovéva. Fotka vznikla v dvadsiatych rokoch v New Yorku, vo fotografickom ateliéri, čiže nejde doslova o streetstyle obrázok, ale prababkin štýl zachytáva dokonale. Bola to veľká dáma, rada sa parádila, aj svojej dcére celý život dohovárala, nech sa pekne a elegantne oblieka. Do Ameriky šla navštíviť svojich súrodencov, na fotke má približne 20 rokov. S manželom Antonínom boli celkom bohatí - vlastnili pražiareň kávy v dedinke Gajary. Boli medzi prvými ľuďmi, ktorí v tých končinách mali doma splachovacie WC, ľudia z dediny sa naňho chodili pozerať ako na zázrak :) O pražiareň v štyridsiatych rokoch prišli, dôsledkom čoho chudák Antonín skončil na psychiatrii a Genovéva potom do konca života robila v Bratislave predavačku v trafike - najprv pri železnici na Mlynských nivách, neskôr na križovatke Záhradníckej a Karadžičovej ulice."
V tejto chvíli neviem, či ma bavia viac vaše fotky alebo životné príbehy ľudí na nich... Každopádne krásne ďakujem!

Mademoiselle Héloïse, Paris streetstyle

Hello again dots and beige (camel, sand, leather, brown, neutrals)? :-) Seen here with a healthy doze of red.... As I found out through Facebook, Mademoiselle Héloïse or Pascale is a cheerful designer, look here.

A máme ich tu zas :-) Bodky v kombinácii s béžovou (camel, pieskovou, odtieňmi prírodnej hnedej), tu rozžiarené zdravou dávkou červenej... Ako som sa dozvedela cez Facebook, Mademoiselle Héloïse je veselá dizajnérka, aha tu.


Vintage streetstyle, post 20: Oliver's grandparents

Photos sent by Oliver K.: "I took your competition as a good reason to go through the piles of photos at my grandma's. I love my grandma the most in this whole world and not only because she makes the best chocolate cake ever, but she's also always so well dressed. My grandma's name is Jelenka, she was born in Lučenec into a family of an evangelistic parson. With my grandpa they met at the university in Prešov. Theirs was a big love, both were beautiful, grandpa a well known great dancer, grandma a real beauty. After their wedding, when my dad was born, my granddad left for two years to work in Iraq. However, this didn't separate them, they're still very much together :-)"
Photo 1: On a holiday in Croatia, 1964.
Photo 2: In Prešov, after graduating from university, 1962.

Fotky poslal Oliver K.: "Keď som sa dočítal o tvojej súťaži, potešil som sa, ze konečne budem mať dôvod prehrabať sa v haldách neusporiadaných fotiek u mojej babky. Moju babku ľúbim najviac na svete, a nielen preto, že robí tú najlepšiu čokoládovú tortu na svete, ale je aj vždy perfektne oblečená. Moja babka sa vola Jelenka, a narodila sa v Lučenci ako dcéra evanjelického farára. S mojím starým otcom sa spoznali na vysokej škole v Prešove. Bola to veľká láska, obaja boli krásni, dedko známy veľký tanečník a babka veľká krásavica. Po svadbe, keď sa narodil môj otec, šiel dedko pracovat do Iraku, kde bol dva roky. Ale ani táto veľká diaľka ich nerozdelila, a ešte sú stále spolu :-)"
Foto 1: Na dovolenke v Chorvátsku, 1964.
Foto 2: V Prešove, po ukončení vysokej školy, 1962.


Julie, Paris streetstyle

I think Julie is a nice example that pink, kitties and fluffy materials are not the only options to dress for little girls :-)

Myslím si, že Julie je pekným príkladom toho, že ružová, ahojmačička a volániky nie sú jedinou možnosťou obliekania pre malé dámy :-)

Vintage streetstyle, post 19: Eleni

Pictures sent in by the lovely Linda L.: "On the pictures is my grandma Eleni Stavropulu, when she was 21 and her name was Eleni Christianopulu. She's Greek, born in Macedonia, but only the first 8 years of her life did she live in Greece. Because of the Greek civil war, she's been living in the Czech republic since 1948. She was taken from her family that stayed behind in Macedonia. Both her and her younger brother were brought up in Czech foster homes. In those many years they've lived in a few of them around the whole country.
On the first picure she is at the house of her land lady who invited her for dinner. It was taken in Jablonec nad Nisou where she worked at a jewelery store. Three years later she married my grandpa Stavros Stavropulos and since then she's been living in Ostrava. She has never returned to Greece."

Fotky poslala milá Linda L.: "Na fotkách je moje babička Eleni Stavropulu. Tehdy jí bylo 21 let a jmenovala se Eleni Christianopulu. Je to Řekyně a narodila se u Prespanského jezera v Makedonii. V Řecku vyrůstala jen do osmi let. Kvůli Řecké občanské války, žije od roku 1948 v České republice. Byla odvezena od rodiny, která v Makedonii zůstala. I se svým mladším bratrem oba vyrůstali v českých dětských domovech. Za ta léta jich vystřídali několik v různých koutech České republiky.
Na fotkách je u své domácí, která ji pozvala na večeři. Je to v Jablonci nad Nisou, kde pracovala v bižuterii. O tři roky později se provdala za mého dědu Stavrose Stavropulose a od té doby žije v Ostravě. Do Řecka se nikdy nevrátila."


A walk in the park, Paris streetstyle

There are more things about this lady that caught my attention, so I hope you'll find something for yourself too :-) Have a beautiful week, my dears!

Na tejto mladej dáme ma zaujalo viacero momentov, tak dúfam, že si aj vy nájdete ten svoj :-) Krásny týždeň prajem!

Vintage streetstyle, post 18: grandma Anna

Pictures sent in by Svatka J.: "On the pictures is my grandma Anna. They were taken by her father, who was a sculptor and amateur photographer. He took mostly pictures of his work and family, so it is thanks to him that we still have many of the photographs.

Grandma Anna married son of a doctor and they lived in a big house in the city (one in the North of Czech republic). During their happy marriage they had two sons - my dad Jan and his brother Ctibor. When my father was 7, his mother (granny Anna) suddenly died of a heart attack. These pictures of her are some of the last ones and there are no others left apart from wedding pictures and pictures taken in a photo studio, mostly because grandpa remarried early, so my (then little) father would have a new mom. Unfortunately, his choice of bride wasn't the best one. The stepmother destroyed most of the photographs, letters and memories of his mom Anna. Only recently, when me and my father inherited the house, we went through it and kept discovering family treasures - like photographs even my father hasn't seen before.
On the second picture is grandma Anna with her mom right in front of grandpa's atelier with a little girl (I don't know who she is). It was taken during the 1930's."

Fotky poslala Svatka J.: "Na fotografích je má babička Anna v době kdy byla ještě svobodná. Fotografie pořídil její otec, který byl kamenosochař a fotoamatér. Fotil hojně svou sochařskou práci a rodinu. Díky němu se nám dochovalo mnoho fotografií.

Babička Anna se provdala za syna lékaře do velkého domu v centru města (na Labi v Severních Čechách). Ve šťastném manželství se jí narodili dva synové - můj tatínek Jan a jeho bratr Ctibor. Když bylo mému otci sedm let, maminka (má babička Anna) náhle zemřela na srdeční příhodu. Tyto fotografie jsou jedny z posledních, kde můžeme babičku vidět. Jiné se totiž nedochovaly, kromě svatebních a společných ateliérových fotografií s dětmi. Děda se totiž velmi brzy znovu oženil, aby můj malý otec měl novou maminku. Bohužel jeho volba nebyla šťastná. Druhá maminka se stala macechou a všechny fotografie, dopisy a stopy po mamince Anně zametla pod koberec. Až nedávno, kdy jsme dům zdědili s mým tatínkem, prolezli jsme všechny kouty a nacházíme rodinné dědictví. Fotografie, které nikdy předtím neviděl ani on.
Na druhé z fotografií stojí má babička Anna se svou maminkou právě před ateliérem a dílnou s malou holičkou (nevím kdo to je). Fotografie pochází z 30tých let."



Speaking of flared jeans and stylish women, just bumped into this Farrah Fawcett vintage photo on the cover of Wild World of Skateboarding, uuuu... :-)
Keď už sme pri tých "zvoňákoch" a štýlových ženách, narazila som na starú fotku Farrah Fawcett na obálke Wild World of Skateboarding, uuuu... :-)

1. If you love old magazine covers, enjoy this complete collection of GQ magazine covers - just pick a decade.
Ak máte radi staré obálky časopisov, táto zbierka obálok GQ vám ulahodí - stačí si vybrať dekádu.

2. One of my favorite blogs to read - love this girl's sharp tongue and sense of sarcasm :-)
Jeden z mojich obľúbených písmenkových blogov - páči sa mi štýl písania a silný zmysle pre sarkazmus tejto slečny :-)

3. Hello, my name is Marika nad I am an IKEA hacker :-)
Ahoj, volám sa Marika a som IKEA hacker :-)

Bonus, ak ste v Prahe: máte posledných pár dní na zapojenie sa do tejto súťaže s DKNY. A pekný zvyšok víkendu prajem!


So flare right now, Paris streetstyle

Imagine this: Paris, sunset by the Seine, birds are singing their hearts out, the air is heavy with love, you're already high on all the beauty of this world, and then she walks by. So classic and modern at the same time. Pfffffffff....

Predstavte si: Paríž, západ slnka pri Sejne, vtáčiky štebocú, láska vibruje vo vzduchu a vy máte pocit, že toľkú krásu sveta ani neunesiete. A do toho oproti vám kráča ona. Nádherne klasická a moderná zároveň. Pfffffff...

Vintage streetstyle, post 17: Jarmila


Pictures sent by Romina S. In this case I honestly couldn't choose one picture, so regard it more like a vintage "In her style" :-) Romina: "I am sending you the pictures of my mum when she was young. I don't know how old exactly, I guess around her 20's. I also guess the pictures were taken in Prievidza and its surroundings, in the years 1970-80. Mum's cousin was a photographer, so they had quite a few photo sessions. I can't stop looking at her pictures and sometimes I find it hard to believe that I am her daughter. She was a great person, good-hearted, kind and always ready to help when somebody needed her. Unfortunately I don't know the stories of these photographs, she can't tell me anymore. But I love to look at them :-) Now that I got back to them I see her in a different light. Not as my mum, but as somebody my age. It's different :-)"

Fotky poslala Romina S. V tomto prípade som naozaj nevedela vybrať jednu fotku, tak to berte ako vintage "In her style" :-) Romina píše: "Ahoj, posielam fotky mojej mamy za mlada. Ani neviem koľko tam má rokov, ale hádam tak niečo okolo 20. Podľa fotiek hádam, že sú fotené asi v Prievidzi a okolí, roky 1970-80. Mamin bratranec bol fotograf, tak spolu zažili asi veľa fotografických stretnutí. Ja sa na jej fotky neviem vynadívať a niekedy až nemôžem uveriť, že som jej dcéra. Bola to veľká osobnosť, dobrá a hlavne láskava, a vždy pomohla ľuďom, kedy len mohla. Žiaľ, neviem aké príbehy sa k fotkám viažu, mama mi ich nestihla povedať. Ale rada sa na ne pozerám. :) Teraz som sa vrátila späť k jej fotkám a vidím mamu inak. Nie ako moju mamu, ale akokeby to bola moja rovesníčka. Je to iné. :-)"

In the detail: polka dots

Yup, those little things are back again all over the streets (see previous post :-). And this time blue and camel fit them the most.

Tak, tak, tie malé mršky sa neustále vracajú (pozri post nižšie :-). A tentokrát im najviac svedčí modrá a béžová.

Vintage streetstyle, post 16: Tánička's polka dots

 Picture sent by Dominika V.: "This is our mom Tánička, 20, before she had kids - my sister and me. Even at that time she was a stylish girl with good taste (which she is until today). Notice the big glasses or the combination of the polka dots skirt with the striped jacket in her hands. Not even mentioning the style of walking on rocks in heels. Try that! :-) The picture was taken in 1980 and on the back of it it says BLR, Bulgaria."

Fotku poslala Dominika V.: "Toto je naša mamina Tánička, keď mala 20 rokov a ja a moja sestra sme ešte neboli na svete. Už vtedy to bola veľká kočka s vycibreným vkusom (čo jej ostalo dodnes). Stačí si všimnúť okuliare, či kombináciu bodkovanej sukne s pásikavým vrchom, ktorý má v ruke. A to nehovorím o štýle s akým vedela chodiť v opätkoch po kameňoch. To si dovoľ! :-) Rok vzniku fotky je 1980 a vzadu na fotke je BLR, cize Bulharsko."


Karl Edwin Guerre, Paris Fashion Week


Honestly, only now I notice the similarities between this post and the previous one - two good looking photographers, both wearing bold colours comined with scottisch checks. Karl is a photographer for this site, where you can see more of his style as well :-)

Úplne vážne, až teraz som si všimla podobnosť tohto postu s tým predošlým - dvaja stylish fotografovia, obaja kombinujúci žiarivé farby s károm. Karl fotí pre túto stránku, nájdete tam však aj viac fotiek jeho štýlových outfitov :-)


Neo-neon, Paris Fashion Week

Meet Yanique, a fashion blogger and photographer from Jamaica, as seen at the Jardin de Tuileries. Neons are back in a big way and while I am clueless on what to do with them (okay, I got one Moschino scarf from a thrift store, all neon coloured, but that's about it. Yeah, I can wear tied on my bag :-), I love how she incorporates the screaming lemon neon into her classy outfit. You can check out her blog here.

Yanique je fashion blogerka a fotografka pôvodom z Jamajky, ktorú som stretla v Jardin de Tuileries. Neónové farby zažívajú comeback, a kým ja si s nimi neviem moc čo počať (oukej, mám jedinú meganeónovú šatku Moschino zo sekáča, a tú si tak napríklad môžem uviazať na tašku :-), páči sa mi ako Yanique tú žiarivú citrónovú zapracovala do veľmi klasického outfitu. Jej blog nájdete tu.

Vintage streetstyle, post 15: A love story

Pictures and story sent by Lenka Š: "Here I am sending the pictures of my grandparents from Slovakia. I don't know much about the picture, only that they haven't been married yet while it was taken. Grandma is about 20 and grandpa about 18 and something. They were married for 20 years. Then they divorced  and after two years they got back together and got married for the second time in 2003 or 2004, only secretly, we didn't know about it. I have no idea why :-) Grandma was Alžbeta and grandpa was Ivan. They met after grandpa and his girlfriend broke up and he was really sad and said that he will marry the first girl he meets, and then he met my grandma (not really romantic), but they fell in love and for a long time they only wrote letters to each other. I really love the picture, it reminds me of love as captured in old movies."
Bonus: Lenka sent another picture of her grandma Alžbeta, taken around 1965 in the small village of Ipeľské Predmostie. "This picture is really streetstyle and I think if Scott Schuman had been around 45 years ago, this is how the pictures would look like :-) Grandma's hair really reminds me of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's :-)"

Fotku a jej príbeh poslala Lenka Š.: "Ahoj, tady posílám fotku svých prarodičů ze Slovenska. O fotce toho bohužel moc nevím, jen tuším, že na téhle fotce ještě nebyli vzatí. Babičce je na fotce asi 20 a dědovi 18 a kousek. Byli manželé asi 20 let. Pak se rozvedli a po dvou letech se znovu dali dohromady a kolem roku 2003 nebo 2004 se znovu vzali, potají, my sme o tom nevěděli. Nevím, proč sme o tom nevěděli ;-) Babička se jmenuje Alžbeta a děda se jmenoval Ivan. Co se týče seznámení, tak děda měl nějakou přítelkyni a pak se rozešli a byl hrozně zklamanej a řekl, že si vezme první slečnu, kterou potká a potkal babičku (takže romantika nic moc) a zamilovali se do sebe a nejdřív si dlouho jen dopisovali. Ta fotka se mi hrozně moc líbí, připomíná mi lásku ze starých filmů."

Bonus: Lenka poslala ešte jednu fotku prababičky Alžbety, fotenú okolo roku 1965 v dedinke Ipeľské Predmostie. "Tahle je podle mě hodně "streetstylová" a myslím, že kdyby Scott Schuman fotil před 45 lety, tak by ty fotky určitě vypadaly jako takhle ;-) (babičky účes mi hrozně připomíná účes Audrey Hepburn ve Snídani u Tiffanyho ;-))"

Vintage streetstyle, post 14: Ľudovít

I can't help it, I love this photo. It might not be street, but you can see tons of style in it... The white shirt with the unbuttoned sleeves, with a classic watch peeking out, the way he holds his hands and the way his hair...just is :-) Picture sent by Tünde Ny., on it is her grandfather, Ľudovít, taken in Gabčíkovo around 1968. Her grandfather used to work at the local woods and the machine you see on the picture is some kind of a mechanic calculator. It was taken by his son, Ľudovít Jr., who liked to use his parents as models when he started out taking pictures.

Nemôžem si pomôcť, táto fotka sa mi proste páči. Nie je to street, ale štýlu je v nej vyše hlavy.... Biela košeľa s rozopnutými rukávmi, pod ktorými vidno hodinky, gesto ruky, ležérny účas...chjo :-) Fotku poslala  Tünde, a je na nej jej starý otec, Ľudovít, ktorý bol lesníkom pri Gabčíkove, kde vznikla fotka, niekedy okolo roku 1968. Prístroj na fotke je vraj mechanická kalkulačka. Fotku fotil jeho syn, tiež Ľudovít, keď sa začal zaoberať fotografiou.


Vilde, Paris Fashion Week

Speaking of head scarfs and the many ways to wear them... this is Vilde, living in Paris, ready to move to London to study photography and graphic design, and this is her tumblr. And this is a combination of  baby blue and red that is just adorable! :-)

Šatky vo vlasoch na mnoho spôsobov... toto je Vilde, severanka žijúca v Paríži, na ceste za štúdiom fotografie a dizjnu v Londýne, a toto je jej tumblr. A toto je kombinácia žiarivej bledomodrej a červenej, ktorá ma baví! :-)

Vika Gazinskaya, Paris Fashion Week

Russian fashion designer Vika Gazinskaya left me speachless. So strong, sharp and yet so feminine and beautiful... Check out her web page.

Ruská návrhárka Vika Gazinskaya. Niet čo dodať. Silná čierna, jasné línie, a predsa tak ženská a krásna... Jej stránka tu.



Well hello, the very first video on the blog, hope it will work :-) even if it's so small... how should I make it bigger, any ideas there?(done that, thanks to Boo) :-) A short "Making of" film from shooting the campaign for Avion in Brno. It took us two long days, but it was so much fun, hope you can feel it from the clip. Thanks to Istropolitana Ogilvy for the video, for the opportunity to do what I love, and last but not least: to the great Brno! :-)

Ta-dááám, prvé video na blogu, dúfam, že bude fungovať :-) aj keď je také mini... netušíte náhodou ako ho zväčším?(už sa stalo, vďaka Boo) "Making of" z fotenia kampane pre Avion v Brne. Trvalo nám to dva dlhé dni, ale bola to vlastne zábava, možno to z videa cítiť. Vďaka agentúre Istropolitana Ogilvy za video a megapríležitosť (!) a v neposlednom rade vďaka parádnemu Brnu! :-)

1. Another kind of photography, celebs up close and personal. I touched Jack Nicholson's nose with my nose! :-)
Troška iný druh fotografie, známe tváre zbízka. Práve som sa nosom dotkla nosa Jacka Nicholsona! :-)

2. Czech and Slovak culture in colour. Check out tons of inspiration here. 
Česko-slovenská kultúra vo farbe. Kýble inšpirácie tu.

3. There are so many sad things going on right now in the world, I can not help, but just take a moment and think of all the people in need and send out quiet good wishes. I am so thankful for having my family and friends around and healthy... And I just remembered a wonderful photo series from the recent World Press Photo. Wishing you a peaceful Sunday.
Vo svete sa deje toľko hrôz a smútku, že mi to nedá na chvíľu zastať a v myšlienkach vyslať dobré priania k tým v núdzi. Zároveň som vďačná za to, že moja rodina a priatelia sú so mnou a zdraví... Spomenula som si na krásnu fotosériu z poslednej výstavy World Press Photo. Prajem pokojnú nedeľu.


Vintage streetstyle, post 13: Mária

Picture by Adriana Š.: "This pretty lady is my great-grandmother Mária, just in front of the first town houses in Turčiansky Svätý Martin."
From what I gathered, it is probably the 40's and I just love the way this lady is rocking her (what seems to be a gentleman's) hat!

Fotku poslala Adriana Š." "Tá pekná štramanda na fotke je Mária, moja prababka, je to fotené na priedomí pred prvými mestskymi bytmi v Turčianskom Svätom Martine." 
Podľa ostatných informácií dedukujem asi 40-te roky. A veľmi sa mi páči štýlovo narazený (a na pánsky vyzerajúci) klobúk!

Vintage streetstyle, post 12: Buddies

Picture by Adriana Š.: "I really love this picture of my dad (on the right) and his buddies from the same street. It was taken in 1960 in Martin, in front of the Pioneer house."
You know what this picture reminds me of? That famous black and white photograph from New York of builders sitting on top of a skyscraper they are building :-)

Fotku poslala Adriana Š.: "Túto fotku mám veľmi rada, je na nej môj malý tatino (úplne vpravo) a jeho super banda z ulice. Fotka je z roku 1960 a bola fotená v Martine na múriku pred Pionierskym domom."
A mne strašne pripomína tú známu čiernobielu fotografiu robotníkov z New Yorku, sediacich na vrchu rozostavaného mrakodrapu :-)

Vintage streetstyle, post 11: little Pavol

All right, this is no streetstyle, but come on, I couldn't resist :-) Adriana Š. says: "This little boy is my grandpa Pavol. The picture says it was taken in 1940 in the Photo Atelier Závod - Daniček a Hromádok in Turčiansky Svätý Martin. I don't know the occasion, I only know my great-grandfather was a sailor (I still have his sailors chest) and he apparently brought him some pieces of clothing so this could be one of them."

Ja viem, že toto nie je streetstyle, ale neodolala som :-) Tretia fotka od Adriany Š.: "Ten malý chlapček je môj starký Pavol. Fotka bola robená v roku 1940, vo Fotoateliéri Závod - Daniček a Hromádok v Turčianskom Svätom Martine. Neviem pri akej príležitosti to bolo fotené, ale viem, že starkého tatino mal niečo spoločné s námorníctvom (ešte doteraz mám jeho starú námornícku truhlicu), takže ten outfit mu asi doniesol z ciest po mori."

They go together like camel and navy, Paris Fashion Week

Seems like one of my favorite classic colour combination of brown and blue (or camel and navy) is here to stay for a while. And while guy's jeans stay short and slim, ladies can dig out their mum's pair of flared 70's. And camel sunnies? Yes, please :-)

Vyzerá to tak, že jedna z mojich obľúbených farebných kombinácii: hnedá s modrou (alebo camel s námorníckou) nám ešte chvíľu bude robiť spoločnosť a štýl. A kým pánske jeansy ostávajú kratšie a slim, dámy môžu vyhrabať z maminej skrine "zvoňáky" z rokov 70tych. A k tomu slnečné okuliare vo farbe camel? Poprosím jeden pár :-)

In the detail: male purse

So guys have to carry around stuff as well. Question is: hot or not? (I mean the purse, not the guy:-)

Jasné, aj muži majú kopec vecí, ktoré musia so sebou vláčiť. Otázka je: hot or not? (Myslím tým "kabelku" a nie chlapa na obrázku :-)


Vintage streetstyle, post 10: Edita

Picture sent by Zuzana H.: "The picture is about 50 years old, it is my dearest grandma, and it was taken by my granddad. Grandma was his life long muse. The dark blue top and skirt are for sure self-made by my granny and if the red purse would still exist, I would be so happy :-)))
Grandma was called Edita, the picture was taken during a family stroll along the small Revúca river next to Ružomberok. Grandma worked as a nurse and later became a housewife taking care of five kids. She was an amazing woman, so creative and inventive. She knew how to sew and recycle old pieces by making them into something soo wearable and chic. Mum and I always asked for her help when stuck with sewing :-) With that, she was a genius! She liked to shop at thrift stores and if something didn't fit, she would go into her little workshop, where she had the sewing machine, pieces of left over cloths, threads and buttons and started to work her magic. In a way, being inventive was what life's circumstances forced her to be, but charm and style came so natural to her beautiful soul."
Bonus: another picture, with Edita and her two daughters - both dresses made by her.

Fotku poslala Zuzka H.: "Fotka je stará asi päťdesiat rokov, je na nej moja najdrahšia stará mama a fotil starký. Stará mama bola jeho múza celý život. Ten tmavomodrý top (a predpokladám, že aj sukňa) je určite self-made by my granny a keby ešte existovala tá červená kabelka, tak asi plesám od radosti :))
Stará mama sa volala Edita, foto je z malej rodinnej prechádzky pri rieke Revúca v Ružomberku. Pracovala najprv ako zdravotná sestra a potom žena v domácnosti, čo sa starala o päť detí. Ale bola to úžasná žena, neuveriteľne kreatívna a vynaliezavá. Vedela skvele šiť a ešte lepšie recyklovať staré veci a povýšit ich na niečo prudko nositeľné a šmrncové. Mama aj ja sme k nej vždy chodili po radu, keď sme si nad niečim pri šijacom stroji lámali hlavu :) V tomto smere bola génius! Rada nakupovala v secondhandoch a ak niečo nesedelo, zavrela sa do svojej dieľničky, kde bol rozložený stroj, zbytky látok, nite a gombíky a čarovala. Istým spôsobom ju k vynaliezavosti donútili aj životné okolnosti, ale štýl a šarm boli jednoducho prirodzené jej krásnej duši."
Bonus: do série je ešte jedna foto, je na nej stará mama so Zuzkinou mamou a tetou - aj ony dve su oblečené z jej dielne.

Vintage streetstyle, post 9: Florentine's grandma

Picture sent by Florentine:"I went through some old photo albums and I found this picture of my grandma, who worked as a waitress, here pouring wine at the traditional Trnava fair. It was taken on he 12th of September 1965 and the hairstyle reminds me of the ones in the movie Pelíšky. On a whole I think grandma was a beautiful woman. I just learned from my parents that the picture was used as a poster for the Jednota grocery stores :-)."

Fotku poslala Florentine: "Pohrabala som sa trošku v starých albumoch a našla som túto fotku mojej babičky, ktorá pracovala ako čašníčka a na tomto zábere nalieva víno na tradičnom trnavskom jarmoku. Je odfotená 12. septembra 1965 a k tej móde, ten účes mi strašne pripomína účesy z Pelíškov, a celkovo, myslím, že babka bola pekná žena :-). Od rodičov som sa dozvedela, že táto fotka bola vystavená aj ako plagát pre sieť obchodných domov Jednota :-)."


Yvan Rodic, Paris Fashion Week

 ...aka The Facehunter, ta-daaam! :-) I spotted Yvan in the crowd before the Lanvin show and he was nice enough to stop and chat for a while. I love his book, it is a great inspiration even for shooting streetstyle. We spoke about how he would like to get more involved in shooting films and videos and about an online tv show. Looking back I regret I didn't ask him more questions (he has his own views on fashion of the street), oh well, maybe we'll meet somewhere else. You can find his streetstyle blog here and his visual diary here. Enjoy! :-)

...aka The Facehunter, ta-dááám! :-) Yvana som zahliadla v dave prúdiacom smerom k prehliadke Lanvin, on ochotne zapózoval a na chvíľu sme sa porozprávali o jeho knihe, ktorá je skvelou inšpiráciou aj pre fotenie streetstyle, a jeho zámere viac sa venovať točeniu krátkych filmov a videí zo sveta módy, ako aj o projekte online televíznej show. Teraz spätne ľutujem, že som sa ho nespýtala na viac vecí (presne, schodový efekt - keď si na odpoveď/otázku spomeniete až na schodoch...), a pritom aj jeho pohľad na módu na ulici celkom stojí za to....tak nabudúce :-) Jeho streetstyle blog nájdete tu a osobný blog tu. Nech sa ľúbi! :-)

Bow down, Paris Fashion Week

I've met this lady in front of Collette department store and I suddenly remembered seeing her pictures in Facehunter's book, ha :-) She is a fashion buyer (from Hong Kong or Shanghai if I got it right) and I would say bow's are still THE thing...

Túto malú dámu som stretla pred nákupným domom Collette a zrazu som si spomenula, že som ju videla na fotkách v knihe Facehunter, ha :-) Ona je fashion buyer z Honkongu alebo Šanghaja a ja mám pocit, že mašle sú stále IN...


VIntage streetstyle, post 8: Little Miss Beáta

Okay, I love this pic mostly because of its atmosphere - a little girl (Beáta) lost in thoughts walking down the streets. 1958, Bratislava. Picture of his mom sent by Tomáš F.
Bonus: it is not streetstyle, but I just like the photography. Same little girl a few years later playing piano somewhere in Bratislava. Her little watch with a narrow strap, gentle bow (those used to be from velvet) in her hair, the sun in the windows, pfff... She still plays the piano :-)

Priznávam, táto fotka sa mi páči kvôli jej atmosfére - zadumané dievčatko (Beáta), naobliekané ako malý snehuliak, si to šinie ulicou. 1958, Bratislava. Fotku svojej maminy poslal Tomáš F.
Bonus: nie je to streetstyle, ale krásna fotka. To isté dievčatko, len o pár rokov neskôr, hrá na klavíri niekde v Bratislave. Hodinky s úzkym remienkom, jemná mašľa (myslím, že bývali zamatové) vo vlasoch, slnko cez okno, ach.... Na klavíri hrá dodnes :-)

Vintage streetstyle, post 7: Grandma and great-grandma

Thank you to Tomáš F. for sending in this picture of his grandma Kristína and great-grandma, taken in the village of Hodoš, around the 60's and probably in front of their house. At that time grandma was married and living and working in Bratislava in a textile factory. I really like great-grandma's style here though - the little white details peaking out make the simple black dress (or skirt) look elegant :-)

Ďakujem Tomášovi F. za túto fotku svojej babky Kristíny a prababky. Fotené v dedine Hodoš, približne v 60-tych rokoch a pravdepodobne pred rodným domom. V tom čase bola babka zosobášená a žila a pracovala v Bratislave v textilnom závode. Na tejto fotke ma zaujala prababka - biele detaily robia z jednoduchých čiernych šiat (alebo sukne) elegantný look :-)



Elisa Nalin, a Paris based stylist and shoe designer, posing for photographers before the Rick Owens show. Everywhere around Paris I saw a lot of classical patterns used (as polka dots, stripes or chequer) only applied to new pieces or concepts. Elisa's photo will be the first shared on Czech Original Fashion, where I will be sharing some of the Paris pictures. Check out the interactive fashion and lifestyle portal here.

Elisa Nalin, parížska štylistka a návrhárka topánok pre prehliadkou Ricka Owensa pózuje fotografom. Všade po Paríži som videla veľa klasických vzorov ako bodky, pásiky a káro, akurát aplikované na nové kúsky alebo koncepty. Fotka Elisy bude prvá v rade fotiek z Paríža, ktoré budú uverejnené aj na interaktívnom fashion a lifestyle portály Czech Original Fashion, mrk sem.

1. Todd Selby photographed Elisa's apartment, look here. I love the whole Selby concept!
Todd Selby nafotil Elisin byt, aha tu Ja som na celom Selby koncepte závislá.

2. Some heartfelt advice how to dress for your next Fashion Week, this time from Anna :-)
Pár srdečných rád ako sa obliecť na váš ďalší Fashion Week, tentokrát od Anny :-)

3. Here is a chance to win a funky hoodie from Lenka Sršňová, participate till the 15th of March. Good luck and have a great weekend, dears! :-)
Toto je vaša šanca vyhrať mikinu od Lenky Sršňovej, zúčastniť sa treba do 15. marca. Good luck a krásny víkend sa praje! :-)