Ahoj všetkým od Barbory z CHICHI! Je mi veľkým potešením, že tu dnes môžem zastúpiť Mariku, ktorá si užíva zaslúženej dovolenky, a tak trochu vám priblížiť mňa a svet môjho blogu.
Hi everyone, Barbora from CHICHI joining you today! Very excited to be here while Marika has been away on well deserved vacation and be able to share a little piece of me and of my personal blog with you.
September je za rohom a s
tým aj súvisiace fashion weeky. A hoci som mala to šťastie zúčastniť sa toho v NY, pre
väčšinu z nás je šanca vidieť na vlastné oči dych vyrážajúce
kolekcie nadaných krajčírskych majstrov minimálna, ak vôbec nejaká. Ešte že existujú famózni
fotografi, že Marika? :) Dvaja takí sú Kevin Tachman a Molly SJ Lowe. A
kedže z prehliadkových fotiek je ťažké posúdiť, koľko práce a detailov sa skrýva za každým
kúskom, ponúkam vám menšiu ochutnávku. Konkrétne z predošlých Haute
Couture Versace, Giambattista Valli a Valentino. Len pre
lepšiu predstavu, krajčírkam u Valentina trvala tvorba jedných šiat 850 hodín, ale mali aj 1200-hodinové... Neviem ako vy, no ja mám zimomriavky, a to je vonku stále horúco.
September is just behind the corner and that means fashion weeks are upon us again. And although I was lucky enough to attend Fashion Week in NY last year, it’s not very common for us mortals to watch the collections going down the runway. And you can't really tell from the runway pictures how much work, time and detailing go into creating quality fashion pieces either. That’s why I am more than thankful for all those talented backstage photographers like Kevin Tachman or Molly SJ Lowe. Just look at these! They are from Haute Couture Spring 2012, specifically from Versace, Giambattista Valli and Valentino. Did you know that one of the Valentino strapless gowns with embroidered beads and adornments took 850 hours to make? And another 1200 hours. I don’t know about you but I have goosebumps despite the fact that it’s hot outside.
September is just behind the corner and that means fashion weeks are upon us again. And although I was lucky enough to attend Fashion Week in NY last year, it’s not very common for us mortals to watch the collections going down the runway. And you can't really tell from the runway pictures how much work, time and detailing go into creating quality fashion pieces either. That’s why I am more than thankful for all those talented backstage photographers like Kevin Tachman or Molly SJ Lowe. Just look at these! They are from Haute Couture Spring 2012, specifically from Versace, Giambattista Valli and Valentino. Did you know that one of the Valentino strapless gowns with embroidered beads and adornments took 850 hours to make? And another 1200 hours. I don’t know about you but I have goosebumps despite the fact that it’s hot outside.
Source of pictures: vogue.com
klobúk dole pred krajčírkami... top práca
ReplyDeletepáni... 1200 hodín stráviť nad jednými šatami, asi by som sa zbláznila.
ReplyDeletekaždopádne výsledok je krásny :)
všetky tie šaty sú podľa mňa úžasné veľdiela! a skvelý príspevok :)
ReplyDeletenadherny korzet! som mimo!