The perfect leather bag, NYC streetstyle
Soft, yet durable. Big enough for my whole day to fit into it, but not too big to still look stylish. With a special detail (little see through pocket) and distinctive style (hello, stewardess!) that makes it stand out. Still neutral enough to go with everything. She has found her perfect leather bag. I'm still looking for mine :-)
Neviem ju nájsť. Dokonalú koženú tašku. Jemnú, ale dostatočne pevnú. Aby sa do nej zmestil celý môj deň, ale stále vyzerala ako kabelka. Ideálne s vlastným štýlom (vítame vás na palube!) a milým detailom (malé priesvitné vrecko na menovku). Stále však dostatočne neutrálnu, aby išla ku všetkému a mohla ísť so mnou všade. Slečna na fotke svoju dokonalú koženú tašku evidentne našla. Ja tú moju stále hľadám :-)
Last flowers of summer, Bratislava streetstyle
Today tempted me to go hunt for autumn boots, slightly heavy, slightly worn, black leather ones. Come autumn, I will very likely cocoon into blacks, grays, neutrals, to protect my human warmth. This lovely girl, Veronika, told me that after some time she is changing her wardrobe into a brighter one - that's why she got this flowery shirt from Zara. She is leaving her cocoon to fly out in bold, brave, beautiful colours. I am so thankful for butterflies...
Dnešný deň ma primäl k hľadaniu jesenných topánok. Lepšie povedane bačkoriek. Čiernych, kožených, jemne obnosene pôsobiacich. Je mi jasné, že s príchodom jesene sa kuklím do čiernej, sivej a neutrálnych farieb, akoby som si chránila svoje ľudské teplo. Dievča na fotke, Veronika, mi prezradila, že po čase radikálne mení svoj šatník na veselší, farebnejší, jasnejší - ako jej blúzka zo Zary. Opúšťa svoju kuklu a vylieta do sveta v jasných, smelých farbách. Vďaka prírode za motýle...
Poznámka: Po traumatizujúcom zážitku čítania mojich príspevkov v slovenčine cez Google translator, som sa rozhodla prejsť do prevažne dvojjazyčného režimu písania. Jazyk a vy, ktorí čítate cez Google translator, si to jednoznačne zaslúžite :-)
James, NYC streetstyle
It was a rainy day like today when I met James. We hid from the rain under the sunblind of the shop where he works. We chatted about New York, Europe, his plans of moving to Italy, the fall of communism and his style :-) Apparently it could have been his personal style that helped him get the job at the shop, which sells vintage American working style men's clothing.
Dears, have a laid back, even if rainy Monday! :-)
Red sandals and black&white dots, NYC streetstyle
I met this lovely girl in a shoe shop. It was the morning of another hot and humid day in New York and I was just contemplating about buying some Hunter's rain boots (haha) when she walked in with her dog. There was something very sweet, elegant and refined about her, I instantly liked her as if she was my friend. I learned she's from Canada and her fabulous red sandals were from the very same shop we have met in. Small world :-)
Have a wonderful weekend, dears, I am looking forward to friends' very cool wedding, cake and dancing and all that, oh my! :-)
The shirt dress, Banská Štiavnica streetstyle via Bratislava
I think there's a thin line between making a shirt dress look like a fashion choice or just plain pyjamas. Looking at these pictures I would say the key elements that make the difference are: confidence, grace and jewelery. Of course it doesn't hurt if the dress has interesting details like this custom made one: extra wide sleeves and some extra pockets. And at the same time it looks such a comfortable choice, I am really considering one now :-)
The pictures were taken in the wonderful town of Banská Štiavnica where I was hoping for some local streetstyle and met girls from Bratislava. Maybe next time :-)
Romana, Bratislava streetstyle
Desert safari meets city chic. While taking Romie's pictures I felt like back in New York for a while. I love brave women with ultra short hair. Combined with flowing sexy dresses, metal details and combat style boots, it just feels so right!
And I feel so happy and thankful for your feedback to tonbogirl in the last weeks - thank you for all your visits, comments, e-mails and following the blog. When something that you do, makes sense to others as well, it is just priceless!
Krátke poďakovanie: som vďačná za každú vašu reakciu na blog za posledné týždne - ďakujem za vaše návštevy, komenty, maily, aj ak ste sa stali followermi. Ak niečo, čo robíte, dáva zmysel aj iným, je to pocit na nezaplatenie! Krásny týždeň prajem! :-)
Inspiration: Nubby Twiglet
To kick start a new week I decided to share with you one of my blogger obsessions: Nubby Twiglet. Nubby is a freelance designer and blogger par excellence with a background in marketing. She blogs about her freelance designer work, about style, fashion, design, typography, art and inspiration. To me, the combination of her quirky personality/style and her down to earth business sense is unbeatable. Here are some more reasons why I love her:
In her house she has a white AND a black room.
She keeps her favorite shoes in her office.
The company Modcloth has named a dress after her that respect her strong personal style.
She's from Portland. I have no idea where exactly it is, but she makes me want to go there :-)
She's from Portland. I have no idea where exactly it is, but she makes me want to go there :-)
She loves letters and typography and does wonderful work.
She gives back. Reading her blog you get tons of useful tips about blogging, freelancing, design, art, career and ideas that she shares on a regular base. Trust me, this woman is walking inspiration. Go get yourself some of it here! :-) And have a wonderful week! :-)
Bellissima, NYC streetstyle
I admit, sometimes I do have bits and peaces of prejudice in me. Like that day when we stopped in a cafe in Soho, right next to a shop selling Italian furniture and homeware. The lady selling the stuff was this beautiful, graceful woman of Asian descent. I couldn't help it, I kept staring at her... You would kind of expect her to be in Chinatown, selling smelly fish or strange vegetables, dressed down, with her long hair up, simply in a different place and life. But there she was - beautifully aging and styled out of her cultural context. I mean, I do not know anything about her life history, but just seeing her for a short time, it got all these images running in my head. I love surprises like this :-)
Mr. Eclectic, NYC streetstyle
I think this outfit is a good example that it is all about how you wear your clothes. I dare to say that this ensemble could look strange on oh so many guys, but this guy makes it all work for him - with his attitude, huge smile and confident energy, that I could feel meters away on the street. So I guess it is not about the clothes you wear, but how you wear them. It really is your personality what makes other people turn around when you pass them by. The trick is to make clothes help your personality come out and shine. Sounds simple, but let me wish us all good luck with that :-)
Dena, Bratislava streetstyle
This beautiful and sweet girl is Dena from Cyprus, but she lives and studies medicine in Bratislava. I think you can see if people are from a country with a lot of sunshine, they seem to carry that sun, its warmth and passion inside them wherever they go. Her dress is H&M, but from Vienna. Now, I don't know who decides which collections go to which market, but I need to have a word with that person... Anyway, notice the subtle, but perfect detail of pairing the tassels of the dress with the moccasins?
New York moments
When in New York, do what New Yorkers do :-)
Williamsburg couple on their way to the local waterfront
Beacon's closet vintage and thrift shop in Williamsburg - the biggest and fanciest playground for girls I've ever seen, with goodies organized and displayed by colour!

cafe front in Soho
Traveling in style
Central Park chill out
What's the time, square?

5th avenue window shopping
and a different kind of shopping at Hell's Kitchen street market
a local Tonbo stopped by to say Hi :-)
Hi there! :-)
somewhere on a Brooklyn street
I salute you, the city that never sleeps!
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