
1 shirt, 13 women: Darina

Did you ever realize that a white shirt is like whiskey? Or olives? Or sushi/artichokes/anchovies/place here your own food you had to learn to love with time.
Yeah, that sounds strange, but consider this: it is very rarely worn casually or stylishly by youngsters, teenagers, or almost grown ups, because it often makes them feel festive and uptight and they only wear it to special occasions. Just realized that I used to feel totally the same way. It is like you have to mature into a white shirt. And then it is the most natural, beautiful, timeless thing to wear no matter where you go. To an art opening with a big skirt or to walk your dog in the park with jeans and a plaid blazer. Or wander around the Danube shore, climbing over fallen trees... That's how we spent and afternoon with Darina, a former model (love her stories about how modeling worked in her time - models doing their own make-up, wearing their own shoes for shows - imagine that!). She is also a hair salon owner (well, obviously), the mom of Katarina, from the first part of the project, here.   And since she loves to spend time outdoors, we did have a wonderful time, until there was no more light. Thank you!

Napadlo vám niekedy, že biela košeľa je ako whiskey? Alebo olivy? Sushi/artičoky/ančovičky/dosaď sem jedlo, ktoré ti začalo chutiť až vekom.
Troška čudná predstava, uznávam, ale zvážte: len veľmi zriedkavo ju s ľahkosťou nosia mladší ľudia, lebo sa v nej cítia slávnostne a upäto a tým pádom ostáva na špeciálne príležitosti. Ja som to mala vlastne tiež tak. Asi musíte do bielej košele dozrieť. A potom to je tá najprirodzenejšia, najkrajšia a najnadčasovejšia vec, kamkoľvek v nej pôjdete. Večer do galérie s veľkou sukňou alebo do parku so psom s džínsami a károvaným sakom. Alebo na túlanie sa popri mŕtvom ramene Dunaja, preliezajúc spadnúte stromy... Presne tak sme strávili popoludnie s Darinou, bývalou modelkou (jej príbehy o tom ako fungoval modeling za jej čias, keď si modelky robili vlastný make-up a nosili si na prehliadky vlastnú obuv, boli krásne). Darina je tiež majiteľkou kaderníctva (čo na pohľad jasné, všakže) a mamou Katky, ktorá bola súčasťou prvej časti projektu, tu. A keďže najlepšie sa cíti vonku v prírode, tak nám bolo dobre, až kým slnko nezapadlo. Ďakujem!


  1. That is a fantastic coat– I love the colors in that plaid! It makes you happy to have chilly weather when you have a coat like that!

  2. Darina is beautiful model
