
1 shirt, 13 women: Terézia Mia

She puts on her make-up, does her hair, puts on her costume, sparkles, lace, glitters and all that's jiggle. Covers herself in a white shirt and walks to the stage. To dance, to smile, playfully flirt, to entertain, and then suddenly disappear through the same corridor... Only to later appear in someone's dream. TeréziaMIA. The wonderful burlesque performer Miss Cool Cat from Prague.

Dá si make-up, prehrabne vlasy, zapne kostým, čipku, trblietky, triasne, všetko čo sa leskne. Zahalí sa do veľkej bielej košele a chodbami sa prešmykne na scénu. Aby zatancovala, žmurkla, lascívne pohodila ramenom, zabavila, a chodbami opäť zmizla... A neskôr v noci sa objavila v niekoho sne. TeréziaMIA. Krásna burleskná tanečnica Miss Cool Cat z Prahy.


Thanks to the Prague National Theater's New Stage for allowing to photograph in their dressing rooms.
Ďakujeme Novej Scéne Národního Divadla v Prahe za poskytnutie priestoru.


  1. tak tohle je uplně dokonalý! magický fotky a ona je prostě nádherná... smekám!

  2. There's something about redheads and tattoos.
    You're beautiful.

  3. Nádherná žena .... priamo božská.
