
Blank Canvas by NEHERA

By now you surely have heard of NEHERA, the revival of a Czechoslovak fashion brand that was as successful as its contemporary, Baťa. Only, the history and success of Mr. Nehera was short-lived and ended in 1948, but in 1938 it has 130 shops and about thousand emloyees around the former Czechoslovakia (imagine that!)
The revival of NEHERA, based in Bratislava, took a little time and experimenting with finding the style (working with designers, such as Boris Hanečka and Miro Sabo). The revival is not literal, so instead of bringing back Nehera's old world elegance, they translated it into contemporary elegance. Now it seems the brand has found its voice and story in understated luxury, clean sophistication with little rough, ethnic moments that remind me of the simplicity of peasant clothes.
The new collection Blank Canvas was created under the creative direction of Samuela Drira, who has before worked on and for brands as Hugo Boss, The Row and Hermés, and you can find it in the Luxury Bratislava boutique, where this little launch was held.
Surely also thanks to the name Drira, NEHERA is founding its way into shops and media around the world (Salut Garance!). More of the collection here. And here I found a little look into the history and what the Nehera store in Bratislava used to look like.

Už ste určite zachytili značku NEHERA, respektíve oživenie bývalej československej módnej značky, ktorej zakladateľ bol súputníkom Baťu a bol prirovnávaný k jeho úspechu v medzivojnovej dobe. Akurát história značky smutne skončila v roku 1948, ale v roku 1938 mali na území Československa až 130 obchodov a asi tisíc zamestnancov (si to predstavte!)
Oživenie značky NEHERA, ktoré vychádza z Bratislavy, chcelo na začiatku troška času a experimentovania so štýlom (prvé kolekcie vznikali v spolupráci s dizajnérmi ako Boris Hanečka a Miro Sabo). Oživenie nie je doslovné, nemá ambíciu vrátiť značke starosvetskú eleganciu pána Neheru, hľadá ju skôr v súčasnom chápaní elegancie. Vyzerá, že značka našla svoj hlas a príbeh a vybrala sa slovami majiteľov cestou "tichého luxusu", čistej sofistikovanosti s momentami drsnosti, ktoré mne napríklad evokujú jednoduchosť sedliackeho oblečenia.
Nová kolekcia Blank Canvas vznikala pod vedením kreatívneho riaditeľa Samuela Driru, ktorý v minulosti spolupracoval so značkami ako Hugo Boss, The Row a Hermés, a nájdete ju na Laurinskej ulici v butiku Luxury Bratislava, kde sa konala aj jej prezentácia.
Určite aj vďaka menu Drira si NEHERA už nachádza cestu z Bratislavy do obchodov a médií po celom svete (salut Garance!). Celé kolekcie nájdete tu. A ja som natrafila ešte na takýto malý kuk do histórie a toho ako vyzerali reklama a obchod Nehera dááávno v Bratislave. 
Držím značke palce, nech naďalej šije Nehera šaty dobre!

Jul from Fashion-Map beautifully fitted right into the presentation.

Jaja from LeSimple in a very Saint Laurent get up. Like!

Models wearing the Blank Canvas collection.

Nehera model and muse Kamila Filipčíková. On the left, creative director Samuel Drira.

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