
1 shirt, 13 women: Inka

"White is protection, cleanness. When I just want to be by myself, away from people, from the world. Also, if I can, I go away to my family's weekend house, to the lake. It is a place I can hide and just be by myself. It covers me and protects me like white does."

"Biela je ochrana, čistota. Najmä vo chvílach, keď chcem byť len sama so sebou, preč od ľudí, vytesniť hluk sveta. A ak sa dá, idem na našu chatu pri jazere. Tam môžem byť sama so sebou. To miesto ma chráni, ako biela farba."

Inka and her transformed version of a white shirt. Inka studied Fashion Design in London, is behind Buffet's Clothing wonderful wrap coats, currently lives and works in London. Photographed at her family's weekend house in Senec.

Inka a jej transformovaná verzia bielej košele. Inka vyštudovala módny dizajn v Londýne, na svedomí má napríklad skvelé wrap kabáty pre Buffet Clothing, momentálne žije a pracuje v Londýne. Fotené na rodinnej chate v Senci.